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My first step into Nootropics

When my third baby was just a few months old I started looking into ways to increase my energy, mood and attention. In reality I know that exercise and good diet are the best way to achieve this but after recovering from a crash c-section, dealing with PTSD and crippling anxiety related to that experience, dealing with my usual PPD, surviving on roughly 45 minutes of sleep each night, being a mother of 3, AND returning to work full time diet and exercise just weren't going to happen.

Anyone who has dealt PTSD, anxiety and PPD will know that just getting out of bed is a challenge. During those first few months survival was the name of the game.

I was already taking an Zoloft, Zanax, and Adderall but was not happy with the effects. Zoloft numbs me out emotionally, Zanax makes me sleepy, and due to the level of fatigue and my metabolism the highest dose of Adderall only lasts 2-4 hours. None of these side effects are great when you are a wife, mother and work full time. 

For me, ADD medications help not just with inattentiveness but with general mood and anxiety. So this is where my start began. I wanted to find a way to either do away with the Adderall (and avoid the annoyance that comes with trying to fill an Adderall RX) or find a way to increase the effectiveness/longevity of the Adderall.

I had read about Nootropics while pregnant and had made a mental note to research this once my son was born and I could safely start taking medications and supplements again. 

The use and study of Nootropics goes back to the 60's with the discovery of racetams so that is where my search began.

After a bit of reading I decided on a racetam and choline bundle from

It included two bottles of Choline, one bottle of Piracetam, one bottle of Oxiracetam, and one bottle of Aniracetam for $99. Looking back I wish I hadn't spent this much and I wish I had done just a bit more research. But with my energy levels and attention level low I jumped in head first.

Due to my level of fatigue I had been taking 10mg of Adderall 3-4x a day. Which was actually twice the amount my RX was written for (but Dr. approved). I decided it would not be a good idea to mix Adderall and Nootropics so I waited until my RX ran out before starting any of the racetams.

When I received my shipment I started with two Choline (to prevent headache) and two Piracetam after two weeks I switched to Oxiracetam, then switched to Aniracetam.

To be honest, I don't feel that these helped or gave me what I was looking for. I felt no change in my energy levels, memory, or mood. I also experienced no ill effects. For me it was like taking sugar pills. I actually attribute this to the fact that I was taking Adderall prior to starting. For me Adderall provides me with everything I'm looking for just doesn't last long enough. So my expectations are high.

Next I actually had my husband try the racetams to see what the effect would be for him. He was taking no RX medications or supplements at the time. He too found that they did nothing for him and stopped taking them.

So the search continued...


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