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Showing posts from 2019

My first step into Nootropics

When my third baby was just a few months old I started looking into ways to increase my energy, mood and attention. In reality I know that exercise and good diet are the best way to achieve this but after recovering from a crash c-section, dealing with PTSD and crippling anxiety related to that experience, dealing with my usual PPD, surviving on roughly 45 minutes of sleep each night, being a mother of 3, AND returning to work full time diet and exercise just weren't going to happen. Anyone who has dealt PTSD, anxiety and PPD will know that just getting out of bed is a challenge. During those first few months survival was the name of the game. I was already taking an Zoloft, Zanax, and Adderall but was not happy with the effects. Zoloft numbs me out emotionally, Zanax makes me sleepy, and due to the level of fatigue and my metabolism the highest dose of Adderall only lasts 2-4 hours. None of these side effects are great when you are a wife, mother and work full time.  For me


This last year has been a rough one for me. After my first baby was born I struggled with PPD. After months of struggling I began medication and started collecting nail polish. It was a little thing but that one act of self care made a huge difference in my mental health. After my second baby it was makeup and knitting. Now after my third baby ... well it is yet to be seen. I have, for the last 9 months struggled horribly with PTSD, PPD and anxiety. Worse than I have been since I was a teenager. In turn my adult ADD is much much worse than it has ever been and I'm starting to realize that my fatigue and almost constant pain and discomfort may be something else entirely (Fibromyalgia?)  I am currently taking medication however many of the medications that help the most (for the anxiety and ADD) are controlled substances. Because of the current "Opioid Crisis" many of the prescriptions that are used to effectively treat ADD and anxiety (non-opioids BTW) are becom